Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh I forgot....

LOL, I just posted my other blog and forgot to mention..that at my last clinic appointment it is official I AM NO LONGER MORBIDLY OBESE! WOOOHOOO..

Yes it still sucks being in the obese category, but hey not being called morbidly obese is pretty cool.

Ok, that was all...

No new info to report...but

I am still being faithful to myself and posting in my blog. I haven't been to the clinic in a week. I typically go on Saturdays but this past Saturday they were closed, so I am going to wait until this next Saturday.

I am doing really good during the week and ok on the weekends. This past weekend was my wedding anniversary and hubby surprised me with a trip to Joe's Crab Shack. I ate what I wanted, but what I ate wasn't so bad. I had CRAB, and LOT's of it, and peel and eat shrimp. I ate a little bit of the corn on the cob, but no potatoes, no alchohol, and no dessert. So the biggest no no I did was dip my crab in butter. So, it could have been worse, and it tasted so fricken GOOD! So my thought it, if I gained a pound or two it was well worth it!

Earlier today I was looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom (full length mirror) and I was looking at my butt. I have on a pair of black pants I wear to work quite often. My pants are pretty loose now, and my butt looks saggy. It made me laugh.

Hope you all have a great week and Happy Dieting!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

How I am doing...

Last week or week before I posted I was back, and then I disappeared again. LOL, my new job doesn't allow me the freedom like I once had. That is ok though, because I am loving my new position. There still is stress, but on a different level, a level that I can manage. When I leave work at night I can leave everything behind and not have to think about it anymore until I get here in the morning. That is so refreshing.

I am doing great on my diet. Last week I weighed in and was a 216.2 which was a new low for me. :) I have purchased some smaller new jeans and have put away the larger size ones in the back of the closet. I don't know why, I am just not ready to part with them yet. I think it is because when I have lost a certain amount I want to take a picture of the new me in my old jeans.

I also am wearing just regular XL shirts. No more plus sizes, 1x, 2x, or 3x do I have to buy. I was a little shocked about this. I went to Goodwill to take some stuff in and I ended up browsing the clothes. Before I started this new life, I was wearing a 3x top. So I fiugred 1x would be a good size to try on. I found some tops that were cute and I went to try them on and I was shocked that they were so big. So for the first time in a long long time, I went to the regular sizes and picked out two tops that were just regular XL and holy moly they fit. I bought them, I couldn't help it. :)

I wore one of the tops yesterday with my new smaller jeans to work and quite a few people took notice. I heard "are you getting skinny", "you look great", to some people even nicknaming me "skinny". It feels wonderful! All my life I have been overweight, and I have never been called skinny before. Now I know that at 216 lbs, I am no where near skinny, but my hard work is being noticed.

I am having family visit me at the end of October. They haven't seen me since April and I know they are going to be shocked when they finally see me. I hope by that time I will be under 200! I am working hard to acheive that goal. They ask for pictures all the time and the only thing they have seen is my face. I can't wait to see the look on their face when they see the rest of me.

Anyway, hope all of you out there are doing well. I have missed blogging and it feels good to get this out there.

Till next time...Happy Dieting!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I am back...

and I have missed blogging. I am actually in a class right now on break but just wanted to pop in and say hi. Hope all is doing well. I have a appointment with the Dr. tomorrow so I will update my progress, but I know I have gained (2 lbs) and am doing everything to get back on track. I started a new job and life has been crazy. Till tomorrow.......happy dieting!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I am in desperate need of good vibes!!

On Saturday when I woke up I told myself I wasn't going to go to the clinic, then I would change my mind, then I would change it again. I didn't want to be discouraged. But I sucked it up and I went. The only thing I lost was the .5 that I gained earlier in the week. So at least the scale didn't go up.

I know I am not eating right and that is probably a big part of the problem. Here it is the end of the month, money is tight so food gets less and less healthy. Thankfully payday is this week.

This week is going to be stressful for me. I start my new position tomorrow. I am nervous. I hope all will go well. I don't know when I will be able to post again since I don't have a computer at home and who knows when I will get time to log back in.

I need good vibes sent my way. I am not a very religious person so I don't ask for prayers. That is why I ask for good vibes. Happy Dieting everyone. Till next time....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stupid Scale

Went to the clinic last night to stock up on some food and to do my mid week weigh in. Was in such a great mood when I got there because I have been walking on the treadmill and burning calories and fully expected to see a drop. What did I see instead? .5 GAIN! I was shocked and pissed. The nurse tried to make me feel better by taking my measurements and showing me what I have lost, but I wasn't really hearing her. ALL I could focus on was the .5! Stupid Scale.

She said it was probably water retention and that it was late in the day and it was hot yesterday. Do you think ANY of the mattered to me? NOPE! I have been in a foul mood ever since. Stupid Scale.

Today I am chugging water like crazy and I am going back to the clinic on Saturday morning...if that number doesn't drop watch out, this girl is going to go crazy.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Walking...on a treadmill

This week I have really been focusing on my calorie intake and my excercise. I was complaining to my BFF over the weekend about my belly. It is still big, it is still there and she told me I am going to have to start doing either crunches or sit-ups or something. UGH! I don't know why I have this hatred for working on my abs, I just do. I think one of the reasons I hate it is because my belly gets in the way and makes it hard to actually do a crunch or a sit up and then I feel the strain in my back. It is somewhat painful and very uncomfortable. However, if I want to lose this flab I know I am going to have to incorporate this into life.

However, I finally got my butt into the little workout gym we have here at work. Costs me $5 a month and I can use it as much as I want. Monday I spent my lunch walking on the treadmill and burned over 350 calories in 45 minutes. It felt great. I had energy in the afternoon and didn't get the 2:00 yawn. Yesterday I walked on the treadmill at both my breaks for 15 minutes each burning 133 calories each time AND I went walking downtown for 30 minutes at lunch burning another 140 calories and I felt wonderful. Again, I didn't get that tired feeling I am so used to having in the afternoon. Amazing that just a little bit of exercise will make you feel a whole lot better.